Thursday, October 31, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 20

History - Essay Example The magnitude of this case was clear from the onset as the burden of proof was left in the hands of top government legal practitioners. No greater expectation was put on the side of the petitioner, Mr. Lochner, whom many thought, would lose. The case was about the working environments in the bakeries and Mr. Lochnerhad been fined by the court for extending the working hours for his employee thereby bridging the rules stipulated by the state. The working hours in the bakeries were to be not more than 10 hour a day averaging to about 60 hours a week (Bernstein, 2005). However, Mr. Lochner argued his case based on individual contract and that the state policing power had no rights in interfering in such private issues. The Supreme Court ruling on this case would spark serious indifference that would be felt over a long period (Bernstein, 2005). The sitting judges of the Supreme Court at that time lead by Justice Peckam who declared their decision voting 5-4 in support of the case (Bernstein, 2005). They argued that the contracts in the bakery were a matter that would be derived from the Fourth amendment. The Fourth Amendment stipulated that "All men are by nature free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring and possessing and protecting property: and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness (Bernstein, 2005)." The ruling cited supported the ruling by arguing that the state had no right in how an individual entered into a contract. This was in reference to a previous case in 1897 between Allgeryer and Louisiana in which the liberty of contract clause was due applied (Bernstein, 2005). This was mainly geared to put off the foreign investors from the competition with the already bakeshops in the state. Their decision would later be termed as judicial activism in favor of individual interest and the supporting economic liberty while depriving

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9

Compare and contrast - Essay Example For the third paragraph, it talks about the comparison and contrast of the form. The form is the description of what can be seen in the painting such as the color, geometric forms, lines, contrast of dark and light colors. It talks more on the appearance of whatever that can be seen within the artwork. For the last paragraph, it talks about the feeling of the writer about the paintings. The painting entitled â€Å"The Last Supper† was originally painted in the 15th century by Leonardo da Vinci during the Renaissance period. It is a piece of artwork painted directly on a wall in Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan with a measurement of 450 by 870 centimeters or 15 feet by 29 feet. Leonardo da Vinci painted the mural on a dry wall which means that it is not a true fresco. He sealed the stone wall with a layer of pitch, gesso and mastic then paint onto the sealing layer with tempera or in a permanent fast-drying painting medium consisting of colored pigment mixed with a water-soluble binder medium. In the year 1518 to 1594, Jacobo Tintoretto painted his own version of â€Å"The Last Supper† in San Giorgo Maggiore, Venice. He painted on oil on canvass with a measurement of 12 feet by 18 feet, 8 inches. The paintings painted by da Vinci and Tintoretto are a group of people in a room particularly Jesus Christ and his twelve disciples. In Tintoretto’s painting there are other people that can be seen such as the servers and many flying images on the both sides of the top but in da Vinci’s painting only the portraits of Jesus and his disciples or apostles. Both of the paintings portray the reaction shown by each apostle when Jesus said that one of them would betray him. The effect of his words leads them to a visible response. All of the twelve apostles have different reactions to the news, with different levels of anger and shock. In da Vinci’s painting, he grouped the apostles into four groups of three united by their posture and gesture, with Jesus in

Sunday, October 27, 2019

CRISP methodology

CRISP methodology Well we got 2 data sets to analysis using SPSS PASW 1) Wine Quality Data Set and 2) The Poker Hand Data Set. We can do this using CRISP methodology. Let us look what is CRISP by wikipedia CRISP-DM stands for Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining It is a data mining process model that describes commonly used approaches that expert data miners use to tackle problems. PASW Modeler is a data mining workbench that enables you to quickly develop predictive models using business expertise and deploy them into business operations to improve decision making. Designed around the industry-standard CRISP-DM model, IBM SPSS PASW Modeler supports the entire data mining process, from data to better business results. CRISP DM, Clementines own lightweight methodology of 5 stages Business Understanding, Data Understanding, Data Preparation Modelling, Evaluation and Deployment. CRISP Methodology Business Understanding: Understanding the project requirements objectives from a business perspective, and then converting this knowledge into a data mining problem definition Data understanding In this step following activities are going on, Data understanding, Collecting Initial Data then describing Data, Exploring Data and lastly verifying Data Quality The data preparation phase Tasks include table, record, and attribute selection as well as transformation and cleaning of data for modeling tools.Cleaning Data using appropriate cleaning and cleansing strategies then Integrating Data into a single point. Modeling: Selection and application of various modeling techniques done in this phase, and their parameters are adjusted to optimal values. Basically, there are more than one technique for the same data mining problem type. Some techniques have specific requirements on the form of data. Therefore, stepping back to the data preparation phase is often needed. Steps consist of Generating a Test Design, Building the Models assessing the Model Evaluation Building of model (or models) takes place in this phase. Before proceeding to final deployment of the model, it is important to more thoroughly evaluate the model, and review the steps executed to construct the model. Deployment In the final stage Knowledge gained is organized presented so that an end user can easily use it. As per the requirements this can be a report or a complex data mining process. Normally Customers carry out the deployment step Wine quality data set Wine quality is modeled under classification and regression approaches, which preserves the order of the grades. Explanatory knowledge is given in terms of a sensitivity analysis, which measures the response changes when a given input variable is varied through its domain The red wine data set contains 1600 samples out of which I have selected 200 random samples and doing the analysis(Data mining cannot discover patterns that may be present in the larger body of data if those patterns are not present in the sample being mined ) .So I selected the data set bearing in mind. The data set I have selected has high confidence. With measurements of 13 chemical constituents (e.g. alcohol, Mg) and the goal is to find the quality of red and white wine. Input variables 1 fixed acidity 2 volatile acidity 3 citric acid 4 residual sugar 5 chlorides 6 free sulphur dioxide 7 total sulfur dioxide 8 density 9 pH 10 sulphates 11 alcohol Output variable is quality (score between 0 and 10) CRISP methodology has been followed through out the phase .By checking the web site and resources learned about the wine domain .the next step was to check whether incorrect, missing or abnormal values in the data set end ensure the data quality. Data quality of the data set is very good. PASW Data stream classification of red and white wines Classification for Red and White wine 2 data sets red wine and white wine have been imported using variable file nodes Use of type node here is to describe the characteristics of data. . The Classification and Regression (CR) Tree node is a tree-based classification and prediction method. Similar to C5.0, this method uses recursive partitioning to split the training records into segments with similar output field values. The CR Tree node starts by examining the input fields to find the best split, measured by the reduction in an impurity index that results from the split. The split defines two subgroups, each of which is subsequently split into two more subgroups, and so on, until one of the stopping criteria is triggered. All splits are binary (only two subgroups) Red Wines variable importance White wine variable importance From variable importance diagram we can say that important attribute to determine Red wine quality is pH. The variable importance is in the order pH, citric acid, chloride as shown in the figure1. But for determining White wines quality the most contributing attribute is chloride and 2nd attribute is Alcohol. Analysis and conclusion The above generated tree consists of nodes and its children. The top node represent the total number of wine samples and how many number belongs to different categories(1 to 9).The first split is on chloride. This implies that most of the wine belongs to chloride level0.041.We see that good quality wine has chloride level It has been found from count Vs Quality graph that how many belongs to good quality categories. Alcoholic concentration of white wine samples is more than that of red wine sample. Good wines normally have high concentration. So we can conclude that White wine samples are good. In the white wine chloride level is normally high that implies it has got good Aroma. Where as in red wine the citric level is between particular levels that shows the red wine is very tasty!! PASW has got a number of 2-D and 3-D charts like bar, pie, histogram, scatter etc for time being I am using linear graph and 3-d scatter graph. You can use any of the graph as per the requirements. Some graphs are easy to interpret .Let us consider a 2-D graph between most contributing variable pH and quality from the graph it is clear that the relation ship between pH and quality is in such a way that if pH is in between 3.23 and 3.27 quality is good. Quality is very low for 3.38 and 3.50.We can plot similar graph between quality and citric acid or towards what ever contributing variable then find out the relation ship between them Let us plot a graph between chloride and Quality for the white wine. In the below figure it shows the quality is very good when chloride level below 0.036.And quality in the range 5 to 6 when chloride level is above .048. Like this if plot a graph between quality and alcohol we will see the quality is too good if alcoholic concentration in between 12.5 and 13(as per the sample I have analyzed) 3D graph which shows the relation ship between alcohol, quality and chloride level of white wine from the 2d analysis it was shown how the quality is being affected by single variable. If the one variable does not tell about how quality being related we can check relation ship between 3 variables using a 3d graph. It is having 3 axes. How Regression is useful In this multiple regression ,Predictors such as (Constant), alcohol, fixed acidity, residual sugar, chlorides, volatile acidity, free sulfur dioxide, sulphates, pH, total sulfur dioxide, citric acid, density determine the value of quality. Below gave a Pasw stream for regression. Each by changing the independent variables value we can get value of dependent variable quality. With the help of a hypothesis we need to understand and build a relation ship among the variables. To predict the mean quality value for a given independent variable (say volatile acidity) we need a line which passes between the mean value of both quality and volatile acidity and which minimize the sum of distance between each of the points and predictive line. This fits into a line. The Poker Hand Data Set Each record is an example of a hand consisting of five playing cards drawn from a standard deck of 52. Each card is described using two attributes (suit and rank), for a total of 10 predictive attributes. There is one Class attribute that describes the Poker Hand. The order of cards is important and there are 480 possible Royal Flush hands. Below discussing about how to determine poker hands using data mining. I am considering classification only. If we consider clustering/Regression it does not make any sense PASW MODEL CLASSIFICATION USING CRT ALGORITHAM We got training and testing data set .First applying a model on training data set. Source file is a Comma separated file (CSV) with 1 million rows. It is difficult to do analyse on this input data set so selected sample data set and doing the analysis. Problem faced The given source data was not in a meaning full format so I have given meaningful attribute name and Values by using Vlookup function in MS excel, now the data has become more meaning full and it looks like below. Data cleansing is very important and comes under data preparation phase of the methodology Accuracy of predictive model The accuracy of predictive model is checked by analysis node. It has been found that accuracy is 90%. Using the Algorithm need to predict any of these: 0: Nothing in hand; 1: One pair;2: Two pairs;3: Three of a kind;4: Straight;5: Flush; 6: Full house;7: Four of a kind;8: Straight flush;9: Royal flush; Let me say what did I understood from the diagram. Rank2 (rank of card2) is most contributing variable to predict poker hands. It is clear that Rank of 1st, 4th and 2nd cards are more contributing than suit of those cards. The different section of pie chart represents number of cards in a particular poker category. Blue represents No Poker; Red represents ONE PAIR, Green represent Royal flesh How Pasw helps to do classification Pasw has got number tree constructing algorithms(CR, c5.0) to do classification. I considered Classification and Regression (CR) though this is not a time efficient algorithm time complexity is more when compared to c5.0)I selected CR.The data set I have got is simple one and I am not considering the deep analysis all I need to do is to predict poker hands so CR can do it. Below shows the constructed tree using CR (Ashort description of tree already given above) Analysis Data has been classified into Training set and Testing set .Here most of the data set into a training set and small portion of data is used for testing.After a model has been processed by using the Training set, we can test the model by making predictions against the Test set. Since the data in the training set already contains known values for the attribute that you want to predict. Below giving the portion of training set being used. Abstract Now-a-days Using the high power computing and information technology enables to collect store and process complex Marketing data. Data mining is used to extract knowledge from this marketing data. This report discuss about Data mining process, short discussion about different mining techniques such as classification tree, neural network, Regression and their application in marketing domain. My report Also cover different type of analyzes and tasks being used Introduction From the given topics I have selected the topic Data mining and Knowledge discovery for marketing since my cup of tea is Business and computing. I would always like to do research in Business analytics .Well let us look at what is data mining Data mining is the process of discovery of interesting, meaningful and actionable patterns hidden in large amounts of data . This is one of the tools to transform data into information. It is widely used in almost all fields of science and business profiling practice such as marketing, fraud detection, and scientific discovery. The technique to uncover pattern on data can also apply on sample data .so the sample data should be so the sample should be a good representative of larger data set. data mining can not find out the pattern which may be present in larger body of data and not contains in the small sub set of data. So this is very useful when sufficiently represented data are collected Most well known branches of data mining is knowledge discovery or KDD It derives knowledge from input data .This knowledge which have got from the process will become additional data and can be used for further discovery in related field normally an analyst can analysis and predict it.DM can generate thousands of pattern but all these patterns are not interested and useful. In this I am considering Data mining in a marketing field prospective. The data coming from different sources like transactions, loyalty cards, and discount coupons; customer complaint calls public life style studies using this data we can make Target marketing like n to identify appropriate customer segments for new marketing initiatives n determine customer purchasing pattern over time n associations/co-relations between product sales, predict based on such association I mean cross market analysis n what type of customer buys what type of product that is customer profilin n Predict likelihood of customer churn and target those likely to leave with retention campaigns n Customer requirement analysis like Identify the best products for different groups of customers and Predict what factors will attract new customers n Provision of summary information such as Multidimensional summary reports and Statistical summary information (data central tendency and variation) Another question is why can not we go for a traditional data analysis instead of data mining? Answer is the field like marketing has tremendous Amount of data and it has multi dimension and complexity.A Marketing firm would likely to segment their customers into similar groups or clusters in order to better understand consumer behavior and more effectively market their products. In the past for a small business initiatives did not have trouble to understand their customers. They knew what they have to do once a customer approach them .Todays business is more competitive, more customer oriented, more products oriented so it is very difficult to understand the customer behavior, wants, needs the hidden relation ship between the data and preferences. With the help of data mining an analyst can deliver timely, personalized promotional offers. Normally in the huge DWH data mining environment data coming from various sources integrated and put it in data warehousing. Various data mining soft wares like teradata intelligent miners are used to mine Tera bytes of data and find market prediction. As I mentioned the DM is a Tools for developing predictive and descriptive models. Some are statistical method such as regression. Other use non statistical method like neural networks, classification trees. Here I considered some important tools then their How Classification trees are being used in marketing data mining Classification tree partition the data to maximize the difference in the dependent variable. it is also called a decision tree. Aim of classification tree is to classify the data into distinct groups or branches that create the strongest separation in the values of the dependent variables.The tree can identify segments. This can be helpful when a company is trying to understand what is driving market behavior. It detects nonlinear relationship. The tree growth is through series of steps and rules .say for example sales pieces were mailed to 100000 names and yielded a response rate of 2.6%.the first split is on gender. This indicates that greatest difference between responders and non responders is gender. We see that males are much more responsive than females. We would consider males the better target group If we stop after one split. Our goal is to find out group with in both genders that discriminates between responders and non responders. In the next level split male and female groups are considered separately The second level split from the male node is on income, this implies that the income level varies in most between responders and non responders among the males. For female greatest difference is among the age group .It is very easy to identify the group with the highest response rate. Lets say that management decides to mail only to groups where the response rate is more than 3.5%.the offers would be directed to males who makes more than  £30000 a year and female over age 40 Some typical Classification tree Algorithms are 1) C4.5: Quinlan, J. R. C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning. Morgan Kaufmann., 1993. 2) CART: L. Breiman, J. Friedman, R. Olshen, and C. Stone. Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth, 1984 Linear regression and its applicability in marketing Knowledge of deviation from normal is very important for a marketer. In the past such deviations were very difficult to detect. Now-a-days data mining tools give great flexibility to detect and classify these changes. It is a statistical technique that quantifies the relationship between dependent variable and the independent variable, these are continuous. Consider the below equation, it shows a relation ship between sales and advertising along the regression equation .Our goal is to predict the sales based on the amount spend on advt. Plot a graph sales vs. advt that would be linear. A key measure of the strength of the relationship is the R-square. It measures the amount of overall variation in data that explained by the model. More than 70% Of the variation in sales can be explained by variation in advertising. Some times the relationship between sales and Advt is non linear (may be curvilinear) .By using the square root of advertising we are able to find better fit for the data. When building targeting models for marketing, risk and CRM, it is common to have much predictive variable. Using multiple predictive or independent continuous variables to predict a single continuous variable is called multiple linear regression .Targeting model created using linear regression is generally very robust. In marketing they can be used alone or in combination with other model. Neural Networks and its applicability in marketing Neural network does not follow any statistical distribution (Neural network is very vast topic a complete discussion is beyond the scope of this report) .it is modeled after the function of the human brain. The process is one of pattern recognition and error minimization. we can say it as nodes that are arranged in layers. The figure tells simple neural network with one hidden layer. Data has been classified into training and testing set (before the process).Then weight or input is assigned to each of the nodes in the first layer. During each iteration ,the input are processed through the system and compared to the actual value .the error is measured and fed back through the system to adjust the weights. The weights get better at predicting the actual results. A error limit is defined and it check with the error limit the process finishes when the minimum error limit reached One specific type of neural network commonly used in marketing uses sigmoidal functions to fit each node. This technique is very powerful in fitting a binary or twoilevel outcome such as response to an offer or a default on a loan Neural network not only pick linear data but also do a good pick up with non linear relation ship in the data. So this allows fitting data which is not possible to fit using regression. One disadvantage we can say that the result of neural net work is some what difficult to interpret A brief description on how Clustering can applicable in data mining Cluster analysis Cluster analysis group respondents with similar behaviors, preferences, or characteristics into segments. By doing so we can understand important similarities and differences between the respondents. Analyst can use this information to develop targeted marketing strategies, or to provide subgroups for analysis. In market survey data, clustering enables market researchers to group respondents who provide similar responses on several questions. In Clustering we use more than one variable that analyzes responses to several questions in order to find similar respondents. Clustering is based on the concept of creating groups based on their proximity to, or distance from, each other. Respondents within a cluster, therefore, are relatively homogenous. Most widely used Algorithms are 1)K-Means: MacQueen, J. B., Some methods for classification and analysis of multivariate observations, in Proc. 5th Berkeley Symp. Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 1967 2) BIRCH: Zhang, T., Ramakrishna, R., and Livny, M. 1996. BIRCH: an efficient data clustering method for very large databases. In SIGMOD 96 Let us look at some more major areas of application of data mining in the marketing like Customer profiling, Deviation analysis and Trend analysis. The pattern which formed after mining the data helps in analytics.M Customer profiling This help to predict several marketing decision. A customer profile is a model of customer based on this marketer decides on the right strategies and tactics to meet the needs of that customer .The data mining task used in customer profiling can be dependency analysis, class identification and concept description. Below giving set of transaction that can help marketer to construct useful customer profiles. Frequency of purchases Marketing firm can build targeted promotion offer such as frequent buyer programs by looking how often their customer purchases product from their shop. Rcency of purchases The meaning of term is How long has it been since this customer last placed an order? Suppose a customer frequently visit the shop.It has been found that the specific customer or customer group not visiting the firm over long period of time .Market investigate the reason. By knowing this they can take appropriate offer or action. Size of purchases It tells, on a particular transaction how much he or she spends. This information helps to give resources to those customer groups. Identifying typical customer groups It gives characteristics of each group .For example a profile indicating that the customer has purchased a WINDOWS 7 SOFTWARE CD may hold to the marketer offering a special deal for MICROSOFT OFFICE SOFTWARE CD. Prospecting Customer profiles like buying patterns, give clues to the marketer on prospective customers. Say for example, consider the pattern Purchase of Norton Anti Virus package with one year validity is followed by purchase of Norton Up gradation version /or new version within 11 months about 85% of the time by high income customers discovered by data mining. Analyst who analysis pattern can identify the prospective customers for Upgraded/new version based on first time purchase details and tailor the mail catalog accordingly, thus, increasing the prospect of sales. 2 Deviation analysis Deviation analysis is one of the important analysis for example a higher than normal credit purchase on a credit card can be a fraud anomaly or a genuine purchase by the customer changes.Once a deviation has been discovered as a fraud, the marketer takes appropriate steps to prevent such frauds and initiates corrective action.If the deviation has been discovered as a change, further information collection is necessary. For example, a change can be that a customer got a new job and moved to a new house. In this case, the marketer has to update the knowledge about the customer. 3) Trend analysis Trends are patterns that persist over a period of time. Trends could be short-term trends like the immediate increase and subsequent slow decrease of sales following a sales campaign. Or, trends could be long-term, like the slow flattening of sales of a product over a few years. Data mining tools, such as visualization, help us detect trends, sometimes very subtle and hidden in the database, which would have been missed using traditional analysis tools like scatter plots. In marketing decisions, trends can be used for evaluating marketing programs or to forecast future sales. The market basket analysis gives the relationship between different product purchased by a customer .Using this techniques we can develop marketing strategy for promoting product that have dependency relationship in customers mind. Class identification It groups customers into classes which are defined in advance. Mathematical taxonomy and clustering are being used for class identification task. What the first one does is it maximizes the similarity with in classes but minimize similarity between classes. In clustering approach it determine the clustering according to attribute similarity as well as conceptual cohesiveness as defined by domain knowledge (describe above). A company doing business over the net, based on the session log data of internet users, the firm can classify the web users into email only users Surfers or Just for fun Surfer etc This kind of softwares allows the market research team or concerned people to view complex 3-D and 2-D patterns. They also provide drill down drill up slice facilities. In the KDD (knowledge discovery from data base) process, data visualization is used in association with other tasks such as dependency analysis, class identification, deviation detection and clustering. IBM SPSS PASW has got good data visualization techniques. Some of them are explained in Part 1 of the report. Conclusion Report discussed about Data mining process, short discussion about different mining techniques such as classification tree, neural network, Regression and their application in marketing domain. My report Also cover different type of analyzes and tasks being used. Most of the big firms in the UK already implemented data mining environment for their business analytics. Some disadvantages may be difficulty to find out data mining expert and building the environment is costly. With regards to data mining privacy is another issue organization are most concerned about.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Wedding Toasts †Topics to Avoid :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Wedding Toasts – Topics to Avoid Don’t Mention Anything About â€Å"Milk† or â€Å"Cows† At the rehearsal dinner, one of the bridesmaids, who had been drinking, gave a toast. It started off just fine, but then she ended it with " thank God, sometimes guys do buy the cow even when they get the milk for free!" Don’t Blasphemy About a year ago, my fiancà © and I attended the wedding of my cousin. She married her college sweetheart, and the bridal party was made up mostly of their college friends. During the toast, the best man decides to talk about when he first knew the groom was going to propose. He says that he and the groom were in New Orleans celebrating Mardi Gras. He was surprised to hear about the upcoming proposal at that time, given that they were surrounded by women taking their tops off to get beads. The conclusion he comes to--and proceeds to tell the whole group of family, friends, and of course the bride's father--is that my cousin "must have better breasts than God." Don’t Comment on the Many Years it took for the Bride to Find a Sucker (Husband) At my wedding a year ago, my father gave a toast that went over like a lead balloon. He said (in paraphrase), "I've seen my daughter grow through the years and have had a few laughs, like the time she fell in the toilet as a small child. She was so mad at me for laughing at her, that I think maybe that's why it took her so long to find a man to marry." (I was 32 when I got married.) Remember, It’s a Wedding Toast, not an Esoteric Diatribe My husband's brother is well known for his selfishness. He was the best man in our wedding and gave the worst toast you could ever imagine. The speech was typed, single-spaced, on 5 pages, front and back. It lasted about 20 minutes and I (the bride) don't recall being mentioned once. The theme of the speech was "I'm losing my brother" and contained gems like "I can't believe he is getting married", "it's going to be so weird" and "we won't be able to hang out anymore". I was not welcomed to the family, not congratulated, not spoken to or looked at. And we get along just fine -- it wasn't intended to be disrespectful.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Research Critique

Moses Williams NURS 450 Professor Peggy Melloh Introduction Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is a fairly common complication in hospitalized patients. Nosocomial infection prevention and patient safety promotion has been issued and many researches have been conducted to improve patient’s quality of life. In this article, Saint et al. (2005) hypothesize that using a paper-based urinary catheter reminder can reduce the incidence of urinary catheterization, and consequently this will enhance the patients’ safety. Critique Part 1 Research Questions or HypothesesThe background and significance of this study are properly presented in the introduction. The research question is presented at the end of the introduction of this article. Saint et al. (2005) develop the research question based on the scientific backgrounds they selected and reviewed: â€Å"Is a urinary catheter reminder effective in reducing the incidence of indwelling urethral catheterization i n the hospitalized patients? † (p. 456). The Independent variable is â€Å"a urinary catheter reminder† and the dependent variable is â€Å"the incidence of indwelling urethral catheterization. The research question appropriately states the relationship between â€Å"a urinary catheter reminder† and â€Å"the incidence of indwelling urethral catheterization,† thus the research question is specific to one relationship. The research question is generated from PICO information which means population, intervention, comparison, and outcome (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2010, p. 63). In this study, population is the hospitalized patients in the University of Michigan Medical Center and a total of 5,678 patients participate in the study. Intervention is ‘using’ a catheter reminder and comparison is ‘not using’ a catheter reminder.Outcome is the effectiveness of a use of the reminder. Although hypothesis is not directly written in the article, Saint et al. (2005) imply that a paper-based reminder of indwelling urinary catheter might help reduce improper catheterization. The research question is not placed in a theoretical framework; however, the conceptual framework is enclosed in the literature review of the article. Two conceptual frameworks are applied to develop the research question: one is patient safety promotion and the other one is infection prevention.The rate of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is relatively high among the nosocomial infections. Although indwelling urinary catheters are common and essential for some hospitalized patients, sometime these are unnecessarily applied. In this paper, a simple written reminder might cut down the use of indwelling urinary catheters and consequently this can reduce the rate of CAUTI and improve patient safety. The purpose of this study is not directly stated, but it can be inferred from the research question.The purpose of this study is to test the e ffectiveness of a indwelling catheter reminder in decreasing the use of indwelling urinary catheter. The level of evidence of the research does not explain the significance of the study completely, but this is one of the skills that can assist the readers to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a research (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2010). This research is Level III because of its quasi-experimental design which tests cause-and-effect relationships. Saint et al. (2005) investigate the relationship between the use of a urinary catheter reminder and the incidence of indwelling urethral catheterization.In order to apply evidence in practice, the nurses should assess the potential for applicability first. Saint et al. (2005) bring up the problem that indwelling urinary catheter-associated infection â€Å"accounts for up to 40% of nosocomial infections. † Another problem they find is that many physicians are often unaware of urinary catheterization in their patients. Unfortunately , these overlooked catheters are unnecessarily applied in some patients, and then the rate of CAUTI can be increased. Based on these findings, Saint et al. 2005) hypothesize that a written reminder can help the physicians remember that their patients have indwelling urinary catheter, so this awareness of urinary catheterization can reduce the incidence of indwelling urinary catheter. Review of the Literature This article does not provide the search strategy including a number of databases and other resources which identify key published and unpublished research. In this article, both the primary sources and the theoretical literatures are collected and appraised in order to generate the research question and to conduct knowledge-based research.In the section of the literature review, nineteen professional articles are appraised in order to provide the significance and background of the study. Saint develops the research question based on these analyses. â€Å"Catheter-associated ur inary tract infections in surgical patients: A controlled study on the excess morbidity and costs† is one of the primary sources written by Givens and Wenzel who conduct and analyze this study. In addition, â€Å"Clinical and economic consequences of nosocomial catheter-related bacteriuria† is a review of a literature article which is the secondary source.Although many studies state that patient safety is a top priority and CAUTI can be controlled by the caution of health care providers, the infection rate is relatively high among other nosocomial infections. One of the reasons Saint and colleagues uncovered is unawareness and negligence by health care providers. In appraising the literatures, Saint finds â€Å"over one-third of attending physicians were unaware that their own hospitalized patients had indwelling urinary catheter† (2005, p. 456). This article was published in 2005.Among thirty two resources, eighteen articles were published before 2000 and twelve articles were published within past five years. In this paper, the oldest article Saint et al. (2005) reviewed is â€Å"Factors predisposing to bacteriuria during indwelling urethral catheterization† which was published in 1974. This implies that indwelling urinary catheter-associated infection has been issued for more than forty years, and many researchers still work on this topic. The literature review is coherently organized so that the readers can understand straightforwardly why this study is planned. Saint et al. 2005) state prevalent and essential use of indwelling urinary catheter in hospitalized patients, and then they question its safety. They point out some problems caused by indwelling urinary catheter, including indwelling urinary catheter-associated infection, the patient discomfort, and increased health care cost.In some patients, the indwelling urinary catheters are not necessarily applied due to a lack of awareness of physicians. Therefore, Saint et al. (200 5) come up with the idea that a simple and written reminder assists physicians to be aware of the indwelling catheterization in their atients, so the chances of catheterization will be reduced and the rate of the indwelling urinary catheter-associated infection will be decreased simultaneously. Saint et al. summarize the literature review by stating, â€Å"an innovative system-wide administrative intervention designed to remind physicians that their patient has an indwelling catheter in place might help reduce inappropriate catheterization† (2005, p. 456). In addition, this logical summary makes them develop the research question appropriately. Internal and External ValidityThis study barely has a potential threat to external validity. On the contrary, the external validity of the findings might be increased because Saint et al. (2005) apply the intervention in a real hospital setting, then the findings can be generalized and applied to other hospital setting. In order to red uce the threats to internal validity, the independent variable is only manipulated in the intervention group. In other words, the intervention group only gets a urinary catheter reminder to test effectiveness of it.The baseline of differences in age, sex, length of hospital stay, and catheterization is adjusted. The intervention fidelity is maintained throughout the study. Everyday, one nurse gathers information on â€Å"catheter status, reason for catheterization, and recatheterization† (Saint et al. , 2005, p. 457). Also, the time and method of collecting data is constantly maintained. The enhancement strategy such as â€Å"email, use of tap flag, and paging† is used in order to minimize physician’s ignorance with a reminder and to increase physician’s response. Research DesignThe study uses a pretest-posttest design with a nonequivalent control group, which is one of the quasi-experimental designs. Four hospital wards are selected and divided in two gr oups. Two wards are assigned to the intervention group to which the reminders are offered, and the other two wards are assigned to the control group. Data is collected for sixteen months, and sixteen months is divided into two eight-month periods which is pre- and post-intervention (Saint et al. 2005, p. 456). A nonequivalent control group design is adequate for this study because the esearcher can observe the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of a reminder by comparing the outcomes between intervention group and control group. Also, during pre-intervention periods, baseline data can be collected in both intervention and control group which will decrease bias. However, the researcher can simply assume that the condition of both groups is similar at the beginning of the research (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2010). Therefore, the quasi-experimental design is proper to conduct this study in order to answer the research question.References American Psychological Association. (2002). Publicati on Manual of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. LoBiondo-Wood, G. , & Haber, J. (2010). Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice (7th ed. ). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Saint, S. , Kaufman, S. , Thompson, M. , Rogers, M. , & Chenoweth, C. (2005). A Reminder Reduces Urinary Catheterization in Hospitalized Patients. Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 31(8), 455-462.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Correctional Subculture Essay

The correctional subculture has various ethical questions pertaining to a correction officer and his duties. According to Thomson and Wadsworth (2005), when an officer makes the decision to reprimand or write a disciplinary report, he is playing a role in the Criminal Justice System (p. 316). A disciplinary committee also has a dilemma because he, or she must decide on what punishment should accrue towards the offender. This may be a temporary loss of privileges, or he may have his sentence increased (p. 316, para. 2). A correctional officer in uniform is an authority figure, which implies reasonable and rational control over the incarcerated. Moreover, he has the full range of coercive control over inmates; excessive force, loss of liberty, and his power may be defiant; taught through his subculture (other correctional officers’). According to Thomson and Wadsworth (2005), many correctional officers have (deontological) exceptional knowledge and practice professionalism. While others tend to use (teleological) coercive, control against offenders gain advantage (pp. 317-318). A correctional officer must engage in ethical behavior. He must act professional; show respect for the incarcerated; be consistent; maintain integrity and honesty; and act impartial (p. 318). The subculture of a correctional officer has similar aspects of police subculture. However, cover-ups and wrongdoing is apparent in both. According to Thomson and Wadsworth (2005), a correctional officer will travel to administer aid for another officer. Again, as police officers, correctional officers will not cooperate in an investigation if it pertains to a fellow officer (blue code). One would not embarrass another in front of an offender because this may jeopardize an officer’s effectiveness. A fellow officer does not indulge in a white hat. This pertains to showing emotions towards an inmate or his family. A main similarity between correctional and police officers is that both engage in solidarity, against all outside groups (pp. 320-321). In conclusion, few officers endorse and publicize subcultural values, whereas the majorities, who are silent, privately believe in different values. In fact, his morals tend to make judgments on their own. This can be based on  his religion; what is good or bad based on what is morally wrong, utilitarianism; a bad action turning into a good deed (a selfless act), natural law; universally acceptable and ethical formalism; the intent of good will. According to Thomson and Wadsworth (2005), correctional officers are faced with these dilemmas on a daily basis. Moreover, the difference between morality and justice comes not from the difference between actions and consequences (as between morality and influence ethics) but from the difference between motives and actions (pp. 325-327). Therefore, when a C.O. does not practice morals and does not follow the ethical code; he may drift into relativistic egoism. He may believe he should receive benefits for his trouble, and he does not think of the latter consequences to his actions. References Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2005). Chapter 11: Ethics in Crime and Justice, Ethics for Correctional Professions. Retrieved October 6, 2008, fromAxia College, Week Eight reading AXcess, ADJ 235- Ethics and the Administration of Justice

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Strategies in a Global Environment MBA C695 Essays

Strategies in a Global Environment MBA C695 Essays Strategies in a Global Environment MBA C695 Essay Strategies in a Global Environment MBA C695 Essay Shoe industry represents a separate market segment in apparel industry. This segment relies on innovations and fashion which determines main trends in this industry. Today, many companies have been dramatically influenced by the rise of globalization and internalization of trade seeking to maximize their global reach, in the belief that those that offer a global service will be in the strongest competitive position. Athletic shoe industry is a fast growing segment which is influenced by changing demographics, new lifestyle trends and a shift in consumers attitudes towards accessories. The major competitors in athletic shoe industry are Adidas, Nike, Reebok, New Balance and smaller firms such as Fila. On the functional level, high rates of its development, great volumes of currency receipts have an active influence on its various sectors. The main objective of the companies is to maintain the level of product quality and develop strategies to improve their performance. In the infrastructure of athletic shoe industry quality is the major question. With the success of new technologies, stating in the end of 1990s, athletic shoe industry began to rationalize its product lines reducing prices and production costs 1. The development and management of new technology has, in recent years, become a central focus of marketing policy and conceptualization of a firm. In order to compete on the market, many companies implement new product lines based on natural materials only for those who are health conscious and are willing to pay for natural fabric. This strategy helps to create a core of loyal supporters and repeat buyers. For instance, â€Å"New Balances successful 950, a $90, technical -looking, hybrid cross-training/running shoe exclusive to Foot Locker that is popular with young consumers† 2 1.Cassidy, H. (2001). Lifestyle, Teens Fuel Recovery athletic shoe industry experiences economic growth Brief Article Statistical Data Included. Brandweek. Jam 8, p. 34. 2. ibid, p. 34. To compete on the market and remain profitable, many companies introduce strategic business unit strategy within organizations. The strategy allows the companies to reduce product costs and operational expenses through effective budgeting and price setting, product innovations and, hiring decisions. Adidas, Nike, Reebok are engaged in a network including expert distributors, agents, foreign customers, competitors, and consultants as well as regulatory and other agencies. Approaches, aimed to meet high service standards, are based on customers environment interaction and changes affected both of them. Developments in IT have led to interactive communication tools such as the telephone and the Internet being used to complement less interactive mechan ­isms such as mail or media advertisements. Nike and New Balance increases their advertising budget to be â€Å"well-positioned for a consumer push† 3. Business strategy level can be regarded as the company’s philosophy governing how customers should be treated and how staff could meet their standards and needs. Taking into account the major competitors in the industry, Adidas, Nike and Reebok, it is possible to say that they employ similar business strategies aimed to improve product quality and deliver customer satisfaction. The main business strategies in athletic shoe industry include differentiation and focus-differentiation strategies. Adidas and Nike follow a differentiation advantage because their products have a perceived uniqueness in a broad mar ­ket For instance, â€Å"Many of Nike’s customers are athletes on school, college, or professional teams and use shoes specially developed for their sports† 4. This is an extremely effec ­tive strategy for defending market position and obtaining above-average finan ­cial returns; unique products often command premium price. This marketing strategy helps to deliver customer value in a 3. Cassidy, H. (2001). Lifestyle, Teens Fuel Recovery athletic shoe industry experiences economic growth Brief Article Statistical Data Included. Brandweek. Jam 8, p. 35. 4.Part VI in a Series About Investing your Money. (2006). way that clearly distinguishes the product from its competitors.   Differentiation focus allows both major and minor competitors to concentrate on a particular target audience and product line segment for instance, shoes for a specific purpose (a soccer shoe, a marathon runner’s shoe) 5. Some of the companies, like Fila, concentrate on a small geographic market which ensures profitability and market share.   Competitive advantage in athletic shoe industry is driven by manufacturing and product innovation, customer relationships and sales. The direct sales model (or other near-direct models) has been successful in the U.S., and the industry is moving more in that direction. â€Å"Competition in the shoe industry is fairly intense† 6 On the corporate level, many companies are driven by technological innovations and knowledge management systems. In addition, this industry began to follow a strategy of withdrawing from small markets with limited potential for its core products and to look for markets in countries with a major growth potential for athletic shoe industry products. Such giants as Adidas, Nike, Reebok, New Balance are globally oriented companies. Relationship marketing approach is applied by many competitors within athletic shoe industry in order to ensure long-term partnerships with customers and suppliers. Mergers and acquisition strategy opens new opportunities for the main competitors who have access to information and channels of influence which are not available to many other stakeholders. To maintain public relations athletic shoe companies use Internet as the main tool of advertising and communication7. Some companies, like New Balance, use computerized stitching department to reduce operationa l costs and other expenses.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Finding Old ACT Test Scores

Finding Old ACT Test Scores Lets say you graduated from high school, had a great job lined up, and jumped right into the workforce. After a few years without raises, though, a bachelors  degree began to sound  good. As part of the college admissions process, youll probably need your old  ACT  scores. Here are the steps to retrieving your old ACT scores. Remember Which College Admissions Test You Took If it’s been a while since you took your college admissions exam, you may not recall whether you took the  ACT or SAT  in high school. Here’s a hint: Your composite  ACT score  will be a two-digit number between 1 and 36. Your SAT score will be a three- or four-digit score. Remember that the ACT test has changed quite a bit in over the years, so the questions have changed and the score you received would be scaled a bit differently now. If you took the ACT, keep reading. If it was the  SAT,  you will need to contact the College Board to obtain your old scores. Request Your Scores There are three ways you can request your ACT scores. Online:  If you have your ACT online account information handy, you can log in to access your scores. Your account will include a list of all the times you took the ACT and youll be able to select which old scores youd like to see or have sent to a college or university. You can find old ACT test scores from October 1966 until the present. If you don’t know your password or other online account details, you can email the ACT help desk, use the online chat feature, or call 319-337-1270 for assistance.  By phone:  Order scores by  phone by calling 319-337-1270. Note that only priority reports (which require an additional fee) may be ordered by phone. Phone orders also include an additional $15.00 fee per report.By mail:  Download the request form and send it to ACT Student Services: Score Reports,  P.O. Box 451,  Iowa City, IA 52243-0451. Youll need to include your personal information at the time of testing, including street address, and will also choose recipient s to receive your ACT scores. Pay the Fee Regular report:  The regular ACT  score report fee for a test date after September 1, 2016, is $13 per test date per report. For ACT scores for testing prior to September 1, 2016, the price is $38 per test date per report. A regular report will be delivered in about two weeks. Check the ACT website or call to confirm the current fees.Priority report:   A priority report will be delivered in three to four days. The price is $16.50 per test date per report for tests after September 1, 2016, and $41.50 per test date per report for tests taken before September 1, 2016.   Additional Tips for Finding Your Old ACT Scores Gather as much information as you can before you contact ACT for your scores. If youre completing the form and mailing your request, be sure to type or write legibly. If ACT can’t read your request, it will be delayed.   Remember that since your scores are older, the test may have changed, The ACT score reporting service will include a letter providing that information to the institutions in which youre interested.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Business Proposal On Tailor Made Adventure Holidays Tourism Essay

Business Proposal On Tailor Made Adventure Holidays Tourism Essay This report puts forth a unique business proposal, based on tailor-made adventure holidays. This business plan encompasses unique holiday packages for adventure lovers residing in the United Kingdom, attractive deal of prices and promises of delivering a true value for money experience to our customers, a clear understanding of the market, the anchoring segmentation, marketing and pricing strategies that confirm a competitive edge over existing players in the market, along with the financial projections made in light of realistic terms and conditions. â€Å"To deliver our customers an entire experience to value, rather than a mere service for a value.† Our aim is to make it a very simple and pleasant experience for our customers at every step, i.e. right from the time they consult us to bookings made, to the time their trip comes to an end and even after that we intend to live up to the needs of a good and lasting customer relationship. â€Å"To encourage eco-tourism.† Our second aim is to actively encourage eco-tourism. Any kind of harm caused to the ecology, if witnessed, would certainly not be entertained. Our effort towards this aim would be, say, taking care of the camels during camel safari that is amongst one of our packages for trip to Rajasthan in India. Also, not causing any kind of disruptions to the space and milieu of various animals, during trips to forests, would be highly acknowledged. Especially, during trips to forests in Africa which form a paradise for several endangered species. Our objectives are: â€Å"To be the first choice of our prospective customers.† We wish to be the first choice of the adventure lovers in the UK, seeking to book adventure trips for themselves. â€Å"To rule the niche market of exclusive tailor-made adventure holidays.† Considering the fact that we belong to an extremely niche market, it is one of our prime objectives to dominate the market, where customers come to us by choice, and not just by chance. â€Å"To cover as many as, all the adventurous destinations round the globe by 2020.† We intend to take our customers to numerous destinations to adventure the real variety of adventure! Right from the soft adventures like balloon safaris through the royal palaces of the incredible Rajasthan in India to extreme adventures of confronting the ultimate wildlife in the bushes of Amazon. In years to come, not only cover, but we also intend to discover such adventurous destinations round the globe that are still waiting to be seen and experienced. Product PRODUCT The product we would be offering is the various packages to the destinations mentioned below. Destinations Europe Asia Africa Polland India Spain Thailand Amazon Turkey Tanzania Uganda Initially, we have chosen these eight destinations because, they exhibit variety in adventure. Our packages to these destinations would be promoted by the following names: Phenomenal India Wild Tanzania Thai venture Enticing Poland Frantic Amazon Sensational Spain Kingkong Uganda Thrill In Turkey CHARACTERISTICS OF OUR PRODUCT Exclusively for UK residents wanting to book an adventure tour. Our main focus as far as customers are concerned, are the people residing only in the United Kingdom and the ones who want to go for an adventure trip in particular.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Boiler Room from legal perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Boiler Room from legal perspective - Essay Example The basic function of this firm is to sell illegal drugs like Cocaine to the public in order to make enormous profits. For a firm to achieve this function the movie used some normal residents to do the work of trafficking and selling drugs to the public that is illegal. Unreasonably, Seth falls in the trap of the firm by being a client. By doing this the firm abuses the law that one should not be found in possession, manufacturing or even sale of the illegal drugs. For the firm is to be accused of possessing and distributing of illegal drugs. The effects of the three steps are that those drugs may cause death to the users, may also cause serious health problems to the users also and may also cause violence, which may pose threats affecting everyone’s safety leading to a non-peaceful state. According to the law penalties on illegal drugs are based on three elements and which are: The quantity of the drug, the type of the drug and the purpose of possession. On the quantity of drug, there is a bigger penalty for people, organizations and firms who are found in possession of a large quantity of drugs than one got with just a small amount of the drug. Generally, possessors of drug selling organizations are supposed to get weighty charges like 25years in jail without parole. The second one is on the drug, which is based on their potential for dependency in contrast to medicinal drugs whereby possession of more potential drugs calls for a bigger penalty than just mere possessors of no potential drugs. According to the law, it is a more serious crime having illegal drugs for sale other than having them for subsistence use. Due to this, possession of drugs for sale to other will face more serious charges and penalty than possessing drugs for personal use. For instance possessing a small amount of drug for personal use the charges may yield to $10000 fine while possessing drugs for sale may

Do Aliens Exist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Do Aliens Exist - Essay Example However these findings have yet not provided a solid proof regarding the existence of the aliens. Brockwell on this issue provides with rather interesting information regarding the existence of aliens. According to Brockwell in 1966 a space shuttle was sent to generate electricity by the earth’s magnetic field. This shuttle was launched in the orbit and the mission was known as the STS-75 Space Shuttle mission. But the experiment failed as the shuttle broke down in the orbit and electricity could not be generated. It was reported that when the shuttle broke down many unusual UFOs were sighted at the site. But this claim was brought down the officials who considered the unusual UFOs to be space debris. However an interesting claim has been made now in which a scientist examined the pictures taken from that site. The scientist using different techniques clarified the picture taken on that day and put forward the claim that the unusual UFOs were actually spacecrafts run by the al iens themselves. The pictures clearly show the electronic circuits which are a sign that it might not be debris but possibly some electronic transport which is run by aliens. Relying upon this claim by the scientist one can clearly deduce that there is some power outside this world which is living in the galaxy. The images provided by the scientists also are a sign that aliens may possibly exist but are not really showing up themselves (Brockwell 2008). The proponents of the belief that aliens exist come forward with different arguments which are related to the events that have occurred in real life. It has been found that memos of a secret agent show that an extra terrestrial space ship crashed into the US town of Roswell which was then covered up by the American government. An FBI... Many individuals come forward with the claim that there is no such thing as aliens existing in this world. According to these individuals aliens are just a perception of people and they do not exist in the galaxy. The unusual happenings in this world are just a mere coincidence and not any activity done by individuals other than the human beings. To conduct a study on the existence of aliens many studies have been conducted and one of the studies was made public. It clearly states that there is no such sign of alien existence in this world. The famous report clearly suggests that there is no such thing as alien existence in this world and all the unusual activities happening in this world are just out of mere natural forces. The report criticizes all the events reported by people who have sighted UFOs in their vicinities. The report further states using the techniques of astronomy, that all these unusual UFOs are related to the stars and meteors in the space. It puts forward the clai m that most of the happenings in the surrounding of this world which seem to be unusual are related to the electrical chemical and magnetic phenomenon occurring in the layers of the earth. Because these phenomenons are so rare in this world, they are thought to be related to forces existing outside this world.

BAT concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

BAT concept - Essay Example 'Permitted processes have to show that they have applied the best available technique (BAT) approach when applying for an IPPC permit'. Considering this statement, a critical evaluation will be done in this paper on the ways pollution is regulated in England and Wales and whether or not BAT should be applied. BAT is seen to be the most effective way of controlling and reducing the emission of hazardous pollutants into the atmosphere. Following points will throw light on the purpose of BAT (Scottish Executive, 2006) & (EC, 2003). A relevant example is of petrochemical company in South England .The requirement was to use butadiene from pure butenes for its down-stream processes knowing the fact that butadiene is a pollutant. Since it was a major requirement, they extracted butadiene from butenes using cuprous ammonium acetate. In doing so, 200 tones of ammonia and 140 tones of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were emitted in air. 300 tones of ammonia and 6 tones of copper ran into the systems purifying water (Slater, D.). Since these amounts were disturbing, the company decided to replace the butene extraction process with a new process named 'Catalytic Hydrogenation Process' which had zero emissions to air during the reduction of butadiene to butene. The results after changing the procedures showed that annually, only 7 tones of VOCs were released in air from valves of the system and less than 1 kilogram of hydrocarbons were released to water (Slater, D.). Another company owned by an American manufacturer of fluorescent tubes had to shift to a cleaner process in order to minimize emissions of VOCs in air. The tubes, coated with phosphor, lost 500 tones of xylene in air. It took 30 years for the company to design and implement a cleaner process that would reduce the environmental risks. A water-based carrier system was installed in the UK factory. As s result, only 1.25 tones of ammonia were lost in air annually (Slater, D.). Pollution Regulation in England and Wales In 2008, a consultation plan on 'The Pollution Inventory 2009-2011' for pollution regulation in England and Wales was passed by the Environmental Agency aiming to improve environmental conditions in UK (EA, 2008). The aim of Pollution Inventory (PI) is to reduce all the sources of pollution caused by the industrial activities by (EA, 2008): Warning the industrialists about the pollution caused from industrial activities so that they realise the responsibility of being a good citizen and encouraging them to apply and use environmental- friendly procedures in installing and operating industries. Supporting common people to gain information about pollution caused

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Green & Competitive Qs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Green & Competitive Qs - Assignment Example The Ecomagination initiative is a program was launched in 2005 with an aimed of providing a long-term environmental solution for the sake of future generation. Through this initiative, the General Electrical Company emphasized on clean technology whereby, the company encouraged utilization of solar energy, fuel cells, low engine fuel consumption capacity, as well as application of clean technology to curb environmental pollution (Wittenberg, Russell, Lipsky & Enterprise Sustainability Action Team, 2009). In 2008, the General electric company invested 1.4 billion dollars in clean technology as part of reinforcing its Ecomagination initiative. The company brought numerous products such as Engines that utilized biogas as well as halogen lamps. The establishment of those products into the market obtained a positive response from consumers. This initiative made the company to obtain twenty five billion dollars revenues. The General Electric Company has continued to invest heavily on clean technology and hard started adhering to strict environmental regulations despite the heavy cost involved in promoting an eco friendly environment (Porter, Michael and van, 1995). BP Company is a British Petroleum company with its headquarters in London; the company operates in Petroleum Industry. The company extract and process oil to produce a wide range of products such as motor fuel, petroleum natural gas to mention just but a few. However, the company had been receiving great criticism from members of the general public all over the word because of producing products that are not environmentally friendly leading to water and air pollution. For example in 1999, BP company was charged with one hundred and four claims of oil spills in Arctic Ocean in America, further the company was accused of environmental pollution as well as cases of violation of human right in Columbia which greatly tarnished the reputation of BP company. In an effort to rebuild back its reputation, BP

Quality management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Quality management - Essay Example The customer has got an opportunity to choose from the great number of providers and to dictate own requirements to the quality of a product he/she has been ready to buy. If before customers have been satisfied just with the conformation of quality of products and services, now they would like to get the conformation that production of the things/services they pay for is organized in the way, which indeed ensure the pronounced quality. The quality has become the one of the most popular slogans at the end of twentieth – the beginning of the twenty first century. The quality of products and services. The quality of technologies and business processes related to providing of products and services. The quality, which really exists and what is even more important can be proved as it properly documented. Constant improvement of production quality is one of determinant conditions of raise of its competitiveness on the market and growth of production efficiency. Not without reason in countries with developed industry majority of firms and companies use different kinds of systems of quality management. Let us consider four stages of evolution of production quality approaches. First of them is a stage of rejection (till 20th years of the last century). According to this approach in order to provide a consumer products congruent to accepted standards, special attention should be paid to elimination of rejects. Wide spread of this concept has led to unreasonable growth of supervising personnel. Up to 40 and more percent of strength of workers involved in manufacture, that in its turn has caused irrational increase of expenses for quality management and, hence, has lowered efficiency of production. As a result in twenties the attention of managers has moved from rejection of production in the process of its yield to quality control in the process of manufacture. The most significant role of this stage was played by Mr.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wide realist definitions of state and anarchy Essay

Wide realist definitions of state and anarchy - Essay Example The major question therefore is: how do the arising conflicts get resolved? In addressing this question, the realists have defined the state as a sovereign entity that has no competing governmental authority over it, which can enforce promises or protect the country against aggression by other countries. Thus, the concept of realists in relation to State is that as a sovereign entity, it is upon the state to decide how it will deal with both internal and external problems. Further, the realist concept observes that a state exists in a ‘state of nature’, where like humans, states are existing on their own, and must work out how to live with each other in the international arena, since the states as collective entities do not have any higher authority over them, for example, a world government that can restrain them, a condition known as ‘anarchy’ (Adem, 2000, p.12). Therefore, the realist concept of 'state' and 'anarchy' is that a condition of war between nat ions is permanent and expected since, as opposed to internal feuds between different groups within a state which can be restrained by a civil government of the state, there lacks any global institution or government with the ability to restrain the aggression of one country against another, resulting in a situation where states are the most important and unitary actors in the world politics, and thus anarchy reigns supreme in international relations.... The state of nature dictates that human nature is not kind, but rather self-centred and egoistic (Hopf, 1998, p.172). This being the case, even the wisest attempt to end the conflicting world systems will not be able to work out any solutions, and thus nations must always be prepared for wars. This is the same aspect that has been demonstrated by history, that increasing military strength, if not superiority, has been the constant attempt for all nations in the world (Mearsheimer, 1990, p.7) In the light of this, the realist concepts of 'state' and 'anarchy' is that it is only military might that can win wars, and as such, the realists fundamental principle is the maximization of state security, through build-up of military might, which is the only way through which a state can be able to avert any threatens of international aggression on its sovereignty and territorial integrity, due to the lack of any legitimate world government that can exert control over states, and thus restrain foreign aggression of a state against another (Adem, 2000, p.17). Power is in the core of realist concepts of 'state' and 'anarchy', where in the international systems, states are always striving to ensure that their security is guaranteed and protected, as they embark on competing for resources and power (Ashworth, 2002, p.37). Thus, according to realists, states are rational actors in the global sphere, where they are engaged in rational calculation of their interests, which then becomes the basis upon which the states interact with others, on the international scene. National security remains the overriding interest and concerns of the states,

Quality management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Quality management - Essay Example The customer has got an opportunity to choose from the great number of providers and to dictate own requirements to the quality of a product he/she has been ready to buy. If before customers have been satisfied just with the conformation of quality of products and services, now they would like to get the conformation that production of the things/services they pay for is organized in the way, which indeed ensure the pronounced quality. The quality has become the one of the most popular slogans at the end of twentieth – the beginning of the twenty first century. The quality of products and services. The quality of technologies and business processes related to providing of products and services. The quality, which really exists and what is even more important can be proved as it properly documented. Constant improvement of production quality is one of determinant conditions of raise of its competitiveness on the market and growth of production efficiency. Not without reason in countries with developed industry majority of firms and companies use different kinds of systems of quality management. Let us consider four stages of evolution of production quality approaches. First of them is a stage of rejection (till 20th years of the last century). According to this approach in order to provide a consumer products congruent to accepted standards, special attention should be paid to elimination of rejects. Wide spread of this concept has led to unreasonable growth of supervising personnel. Up to 40 and more percent of strength of workers involved in manufacture, that in its turn has caused irrational increase of expenses for quality management and, hence, has lowered efficiency of production. As a result in twenties the attention of managers has moved from rejection of production in the process of its yield to quality control in the process of manufacture. The most significant role of this stage was played by Mr.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Curriculum Development for Small Group Esl Essay Example for Free

Curriculum Development for Small Group Esl Essay I. Description of Learners This private tutoring course has been developed for three elementary school girls, ages 8 11. They are sisters, recent immigrants from Saudi Arabia, who will be living and attending school in the U.S. for approximately two years. These students have been assigned a private English language tutor by Cartus Intercultural Language Solutions on behalf of Chevron Corporation, as part of their family’s transfer package. The students have a language background in Arabic, which is the primary language spoken in their home. They each attend a small, private, international school, where their teachers allow them certain â€Å"ESL modifications†. Information gathered from these students’ needs assessment evaluations (to be discussed in section three) showed them to be in the early production stage of English language development. They have limited listening and speaking proficiency, a firm grasp of the Latin alphabet, and the ability to read and write at about a kindergarten level. The students were very hesitant to speak English initially, which made assessment difficult. II. Course Rationale Cartus’ language trainers develop individualized programs to meet the needs of each participant, based on the results of the initial needs assessment process. Language trainers design programs for such practical applications as function-specific skills and vocabulary and conversational proficiency in order to increase your participant’s competency and confidence. Every aspect of the training program is customized. Considering this scenario, there is no standardized curriculum. Once students’ needs have been assessed, and reachable goals have been determined, then materials must be purchased in order to meet course objectives. The primary stakeholder is the children’s father, the students themselves are the secondary stakeholders, and their elementary teachers could be considered as tertiary stakeholders. III. Needs Analysis Cartus leaves analysis and evaluation up to the individual language instructor. An interview was conducted with the father over the phone to determine his goals for each child. During this conversation he also provided insight into each child’s personality and individual English proficiency. It was then discovered that a previous trainer had conducted an English language assessment while the children were still in Saudi Arabia. This assessment can be seen in Appendix 1. Considering the results of the previous assessment, the instructor conducted one on one interviews with each child trying to gauge their levels of proficiency in the following areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The instructor sought to identify any gaps between what students are able to do and what they are required to do at school. Low beginning level questions, such as the ones listed below, were asked in order to define both preliteracy and literacy skills the students possessed. These initial questions were asked orally. How many brothers do you have? How many sisters do you have? What is the name of your teacher? What is the name of your baby sister? How many fingers do you have? What is your favorite toy? In addition, during the course of the program, one of the children’s teachers was consulted in order to identify more specific goals. IV. Goals and Objectives The students’ father is the primary determiner of their educational goals. He stated, â€Å"They each need to be able to read passages at a faster rate and be able to speak and conversate.† (sic) In order to achieve these goals, the instructor took into account the students’ needs and abilities and set the following objectives to meet the father’s fairly broad goal: * Know the names and sounds of all the consonants and vowels * Understand phonics concepts such as consonant combinations * Follow along, reading, and summarizing simple stories with pictures * Demonstrate understanding of everyday vocabulary * Follow simple oral instructions * Demonstrate understanding of the most fundamental, specialized vocabulary in content areas (e.g., shapes, colors, alphabet, numerals, animals) * Understand nouns, verbs, and punctuation * Understand singular and plural * Understand common and proper nouns * Understand simple past, present, and future tenses. V. Course content Lessons are conducted in the students’ home for three hours four days a week. The instructor has purchased all study materials and supplies to be used for the program. The materials are kept at the students’ home for them to use on their own over the weekend. Occasionally a student will have a homework assignment that needs to be addressed by the language instructor. In those instances the subject matter is incorporated into the curriculum and each student will learn key aspects of the material in a situational capacity. Although the students are of varying ages, due to their intimacy and language background, lessons are often conducted as a small group. It has been established that they challenge one another to speak English and are competitive when it comes to reading and responding to questions in English. They have a positive effect on one another, so the occasional situational content can be either elaborated upon or simplified as needed. Over the first months of the program, lessons were focused on advancing the students from the silent period to initial stages of speech. The students were introduced to concepts of consonants, vowels, and phonics before additional topics were explored. Once students began to speak and read with increasing frequency, they began reading sentences and discussing stories. Recently they have been able to volunteer information about themselves, their day at school, and other activities. Below are examples of lessons on vowel sounds, consonant blends, rhyming, and reading VI. MaterialsThe instructor has purchased compatible study materials to be used and shared by all of the girls. There is no one overaching core book, rather many workbooks, puzzles, games, and story books are used throughout the lessons. In addition to some of the worksheets shown above, those materials include the following: This book introduces consonant combinations such as â€Å"sl†, â€Å"st†, and â€Å"sk†. Students read the instructions and follow the instructions to fill in the blank, match sentences to corresponding pictures, and fill in crossword puzzles. This book introduces consonant combinations such as â€Å"sl†, â€Å"st†, and â€Å"sk†. Students read the instructions and follow the instructions to fill in the blank, match sentences to corresponding pictures, and fill in crossword puzzles. This phonetic puzzle reinforces students’ understanding of long and short vowel sounds, and is also used to increase vocabulary. This phonetic puzzle reinforces students’ understanding of long and short vowel sounds, and is also used to increase vocabulary. This pack of cards is used to refresh student’s memory of past lessons, and also to make short sentences or phrases. This pack of cards is used to refresh student’s memory of past lessons, and also to make short sentences or phrases. These beginning reading books provide pictoral cues to accompany the sentences. Students are able to recognize animals and food in the books and learn their English names. They are also able to practice phonetic reading skills. These beginning reading books provide pictoral cues to accompany the sentences. Students are able to recognize animals and food in the books and learn their English names. They are also able to practice phonetic reading skills. Magnetic letters are used to create words and fascilitate reading phonetically. Students make rhyming words and create new words by adding â€Å"sneaky silent e† to the ends of short vowel sound words. Magnetic letters are used to create words and fascilitate reading phonetically. Students make rhyming words and create new words by adding â€Å"sneaky silent e† to the ends of short vowel sound words. VII. AssessmentBecause these students are not graded or scored, their knowledge and ability must be assessed in less structured, more organic ways. The students attend English language school every day and have certain anxieties in regard to tests and quizzes. Assessment is performed during every lesson to determine what tools and materials are meeting the students’ needs, as well as how the students respond to the materials. The students’ father, as well as comments from classroom teachers provide vital information that the language instructor uses to assess the students, to inform future lesson content, and to raise the bar for students’ objectives.Students are on a break for the holidays, but during their last lesson they were asked some of the following questions:What is a noun?Can you each name three common nouns?What is a proper n oun? How do you write a proper noun?If one is a â€Å"fox†, what are two called?If one is a â€Å"foot†, what are two called?Can you name three words that rhyme with â€Å"cat†?Can you name three words that start with â€Å"sk† like â€Å"skip†?The word â€Å"dime†, does it have a short or long vowel sound?What gives it that sound?How much is a dime worth?What is the opposite of â€Å"up†?What is the opposite of â€Å"hot†?If your body needs food you are _______If your body needs water you are _______Their answers were used to set homework assignments and to establish new goals once lessons resume in January.Observation and interview results have indicated that the students are progressing well into â€Å"high beginner proficiency† and are beginning to understand language and use it in a limited capacity. Typically, they memorize words and phrases and can comprehend and utilize language that they havebeen taught. The curriculum focuses on applying literacy skills to the development of new knowledge. In second language acquisition, social language usually precedes academic language development.Appendix 1. References Dept. of Education, State of Tennessee. 2005. ESL Curriculum Standards: Proficiency Levels. Retrieved December 22, 2012, from Cartus, 2012 Intercultural and Language Training Worldwide. Retrieved December 22, 2012, from www.cartus.comFerlazzo, L., and K. Hull Sypnieski. 2012. The ESL/ELL Teacher’s Survival Guide. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.FlashKids Editors, 2010. Phonics Blends. U.S. FlashKids Books.Magnetic Letters, 2012, Lakeshore Learning Materials.Richards, J.C. 2001. Curriculum development in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Sight Words, 2012, Lakeshore Learning MaterialsWho Lives at the Pond? Parents. Minibook. Activities: Science Nature: Ages 3-6. Retrieved December 22, 2012 from Worksheets for Young ESL Learners. Retrieved December 22 from 2012, Vowel Sounds Match Ups,

Monday, October 14, 2019

What is Law?

What is Law? Law, in its widest sense, means and involves a uniformity of behavior, a constancy of happenings or a cause of events, rules of action, whether in the phenomena of nature or in the ways rational human beings. In its general sense law means an order of the universe, of events, of things or actions. In simple words, Law may be referred to as a body of rules that are determined and enforced by the state and that are intended to channel behaviour and to resolve certain adverse events. Thus a legal rule might forbid littering in a park and impose a Rs 500/- fine for its violation, might impose expectation damages for violation of a contract, or might declare murder a crime and punish it with a sentence of atleast of 10 years of imprisonment.[1] The effectiveness of law enforcement depends, other things being equal, on the magnitude of sanctions and on the probability with which they are imposed for violations. The magnitude of sanctions is chosen by the state and can be as high as the wealth of violator if monetary and as a life term if imprisonment. The probability of sanctions depends on the actions of private parties who might bring the suit if the violation is civil and on effort of public enforcement agents, otherwise.[2] Keeping a practical view in mind it is necessary to look into some definitions of law. Definations of Law: According to Salmond â€Å"the law may be defined as the body of the principles recognized and applied by the State in the administration of justice†. According to Austin, â€Å"A law, in the strict sense, is a general command of the sovereign individual or the sovereign body, issued to those in subjectivity and enforced by the physical power of the State. According to Austin, â€Å"law is the aggregate of rules set by men as politically superior or sovereign to men as politically subject†. According to Duguit, law is essentially and exclusively a social fact. It is in no sense a body of rules laying down rights. Foundation of law is in the essential requirements of the community life. Thus Duguits definition gives a moral dimension to law. Holmes J. says that â€Å"the prophesy of what Courts will do, in fact, and nothing more pretentious, are what I mean by law†. While Dias says, â€Å"Law consists largely of ‘ought’ (normative) propositions prescribing how people ought to behave. The ‘oughts’ of laws are variously dictated by social, moral, economic, political and other purposes†. Thus some definitions ascribe a moral quality to law while some don’t do so expressly. Thus it is necessary to look into what is morality. What is morality? Morality may be defined as Conformance to a recognized code, doctrine, or system of rules of what is right or wrong and to behave accordingly. No system of morality is accepted as universal, and the answers to the question What is morality? differ sharply from place to place, group to group, and time to time. For some it means conscious and deliberate effort in guiding ones conduct by reason based on fairness and religious beliefs. For others it is, what the majority then and there happen to like, and immorality is what they dislike.†[3] Morality may be equated with order and has as its object human actions that are ordered to one another and to some end. The idea of value (good or end) is the crux of any moral system since the concept of value is a primary concept in the order of our practical concepts, i.e., ultimate in its genus. Hence the moral act is a combination of the subject that makes the act (rational and free act) and the object that is intended (objective goods and values that result from this activity); objectively the moral act is made up of three elements-the object, the end and the circumstance. Therefore rational human nature is the norm of morality, and morality is the transformation of a known order of values. To put it quite succinctly, morality is nothing more than conformity with the rule which regulates human life: namely, the rule of reason. Thus the essence of morality is mans approach to his goal; mans particular goal is the perfection of his spiritual and moral nature and his ultimate goal is union with God.[4] In general a moral rule has it that, when a person obeys the rule, he will tend to feel the sentiment known as virtue, and if he disobeys the rule he will feel the sentiment known as guilt. A moral rule also has the property that, when a person obeys a rule and is observed to have done so by another party, that party may bestow praise on the first party who will enjoy the praise; and if the person disobeys the rule and is observed to have done so by another party, the second party will tend to disapprove the first party, who will dislike the disapproval.[5] Enforcement of moral rules comes about through internal incentives of virtue for obeying the rules and guilt for not doing so. Enforcement is also effected by external incentives, such as if a person believes that his conduct will be observed by others, who will reward him with praise for doing good or chastise him for not doing so, he will be lead to do good.[6] The effectiveness of enforcement of moral rules depends in part on the magnitude of moral incentives, i.e. on how much guilt and virtue, and admonition and praise, matter to individuals. The degree to which they matter is shaped by, and determined hand in hand with, socialization and inculcation that governs the absorption of rules themselves. In any case moral sanctions have definite limits. The effectiveness of moral incentives also depends on their likelihood of application, in respect to which one must distinguish the internal from the external moral incentives. The internal incentives of guilt and virtue function automatically for a person knows what he does and cannot hide from it. By contrast external incentives operate only if others observe conduct and respond with praise or disapproval.[7] Thus, with a basic idea of morality being presented, it is necessary to look into the relation between law and morality. A COMPARISION OF LAW AND MORALITY Law brings with itself some reflections of public morality, but can law be separated from morality? The relation between law and morality can beb understood only after looking at the views of Hart, Fuller and Benthem. Broadly there are two schools, the positivist, which feels that law and morality can be separated and the naturalist which feels the the two are inseperable. Gustav Radbruch, a Jew by birth lived in Germany prior to Second World War. He was a firm believer in â€Å"positivist† doctrine. After seeing the atrocities perpetrated by Nazi regime on the Jews under Nazi laws he changed his belief and became a staunch supporter of Natural Law Theory and exhorted everybody to discard the doctrine of the separation of law and morals.[8] This was also a provocation for Prof Hart to initiate this discourse. The conflicts faced by the German jurists in post war Germany, is well illustrated by a category of cases which may be called â€Å"informer cases†.[9] One such case is discussed by both Prof Hart and Prof Fuller. The case is as under [10] In 1944 a German soldier came home from far front for a short visit. In his conversation with his wife he criticized the Hitler government and Nazi Party. He even expressed his dismay that the man who attempted to assassinate Hitler did not succeed. During his long absence there were other men in her life and hence she was keen to get rid of her husband. After his departure to war front the wife reported his remarks to the local leader of the Nazi party. The husband was tried by a military tribunal and sentenced to death. However he was not executed. After a short period of imprisonment, he was sent to the front again. After the collapse of the Nazi regime, a case was initiated against for illegally depriving the husband of his freedom. After the collapse of the Nazi regime, the wife was brought to trial for having procured unlawfully the imprisonment of her husband. The wife’s defense was that she was required to furnish such information to the authorities under the Nazi statutes and she did not commit any crime. The court of appeal which decided the case held that the statute under which the wife was claiming protection was contrary to the sound conscience and sense of justice of all decent human beings.[11] Hence it was reasoned that she could not be given protection under such statute. This reasoning became a precedent in many other informer cases. This reasoning was followed in many cases which have been hailed as a triumph of the doctrines of natural law and as signaling the overthrow of positivism.[12] According to Prof Hart there were only two options: a) to let the woman go free because the statute protected her; b) to make a retrospective legislation repealing the statute under which she claimed protection.[13] Because retrospective legislation is anathema in most criminal justice system the woman should have been allowed to go free if integrity of judicial principles was to be preserved. Prof Hart considers it a cardinal mistake of the Court of Appeal to introduce the concept of morality of the law, under which she was claiming protection, to say that law was no law at all. Professor Hart’s views Prof Hart believes in the theories of law as put forward by jurists like Bentham and Austin. These jurists propounded utilitarian theory of law. Bentham and Austin, constantly insisted on the need to distinguish, firmly and with the maximum of clarity, law as it is from law as it ought to be.[14] Austin formulated the doctrine: The existence of law is one thing; its merit or demerit is another.[15] A judge deciding a case should go by law as it is. Prof. Hart points out that all cases may not fall exactly within the law as it is which he calls the ‘core’. There will be cases in the penumbra of law. Hart’s view is that morals can be an influential factor in deciding cases in the penumbra. Bentham criticized Natural Law theory on the ground that â€Å"the natural tendency of such a doctrine is to impel a man, by the force of conscience, to rise up in arms against any law whatever that he happens not to like†.[16] Bentham also feared that under natural law theory courts might be legally bound to decide in accordance with what they thought just or best.[17] Such an approach can lead to all round confusion. Prof Hart presents the discussion of separation of law and morals as a problem of separating â€Å"law as it is† and â€Å"law as it ought to be†. He criticizes natural law thinkers for ignoring this difference. â€Å"Prof Hart identifies the essentials of positivism as the following:[18] (i) The contention that laws are commands of human beings, (ii) The contention that there is no necessary connection between law and morals or law as it is and ought to be (iii) A legal system is a â€Å"closed logical system† in which correct legal decisions can be deduced by logical means from predetermined legal rules without reference to social aims, policies, moral standards, Prof Hart also deals with the issue lack of precision in the words used in any human language and the role of this factor in judicial interpretation. While applying legal rules to the facts of a case it become necessary quite often to decide the meaning of the words in a statute and to decide whether the words used covers the facts to be decided. Sometime â€Å"standard instances† of the words may not be sufficient to give proper effect to the law. Prof Hart calls these as â€Å"problems of the penumbra†.[19] Problems of penumbra cannot be solved by logical deduction. The criterion which makes a decision sound in such cases is some concept of what the law ought to be.[20] This is where a moral judgment is made about what law ought to be. This is called by Prof. Hart as necessary â€Å"intersection between law and morals†.[21] Prof Fuller’s views: Fuller on the other hand believes in the Natural Theory of Law and the moral foundations of a legal order. So for him law should always conform to the idea of God’s justice. He emphasizes the view point that fidelity to law can be achieved only if law is consistent with morals at all stages that is during its making and during its application by the court whether the case is in the core or the penumbra of law. The primary concern of Prof Hart is to preserve the integrity of the concept of law.[22] For Prof Fuller fidelity to law is of utmost importance. He argues that there will be fidelity to law only if laws are consistent with moral values of the people who have to follow law. People comply with law only if they are convinced that the law is for common good. That is to say for achieving fidelity to law, Law should have moral foundations. The Balance The conflict between law and morals came to sharp focus in the predicament faced by the German Court after the collapse of the Nazi Regime. It was not possible to declare all the laws made by the Nazi regime and actions of citizens in conformity with such laws to be illegal. This would have resulted in total destabilization of the society. On the other hand some of the laws made by Nazi regime was so repulsive to human morals that there was a need for disapproving actions taken in conformity with such wicked laws. There was also a need to send a message that the new regime does not approve all the wicked laws of the Nazi regime Thus on the one hand, there was a moral duty to obey law. On the other hand, there was a moral duty to do what people thought (after the war) was right and decent. The fundamental postulate of positivism that law must be strictly severed from morality seems to deny the possibility of any bridge between the obligation to obey law and other moral obligations.[23] Thus the German Courts faced a serious dilemma in restoring both respect for law and respect for justice. Essentially Radbruch saw the dilemma as that of meeting the demands of order, on the one hand, and those of good order, on the other.[24] Order by itself is no good unless it serves some purpose for the society. So we should not get obsessed with just order. At the same time in the process of seeking good order we should lose order itself leading to anarchy. As we seek to make our order good, we can remind ourselves that justice itself is impossible without order, and that we must not lose order itself in the attempt to make it good.[25] Thus we must strive for a balance. Homosexuality: â€Å"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve†[26] This quote summarises the attitude of morality developed along the lines of religion with regard to homosexuality. The Church has always condemned the practice of homosexuality vehemently. The Bible preaches that a man may not lie with a man in a way he lies with a woman.[27] Unlike the West, the Hindu society does not have the concept of sexual orientation that classifies males on the basis of who they desire. However, there is a strong, ancient concept of third gender, which is for individuals who have strong elements of both male and female in them. Sexuality between men (as distinct from third genders) has nevertheless thrived, mostly unspoken, informally, within mens spaces, without being seen as different in the way its seen in the West. [28] In India homosexuality was criminalized in 1861 by the Britishers through Section 377 of the India Penal Code. It criminalized carnal intercourse. Contemporary to the global movements for giving rights to the homosexuals, the Indian movement has also been running. In 2009 it got a huge success when the High Court of Delhi in Naz Foundation v. Govt. of NCT Delhi ruled the Section 377 of IPC as unconstitutional and thus decriminalized homosexuality. But in 2013 the Supreme Court of India overruled the judgement of the High Court of Delhi and recriminalized homosexuality. In the modern Indian society those opposing homosexuality argue that it is against morality and Indian culture. However if one delves into history one would easily find out that this homophobia was part of a more generalized attack on Indian sexual mores and practices undertaken by British missionaries as well as educators. It is evident not only in the anti-sodomy law introduced by the British in the Indian Penal Code of 1860 but also in the deliberate heterosexualization of entire literary canons and genres. This is one reason why modern institutions such as the police force, and educational as well as religious organizations today typically respond to same-sex unions with horror and even violence.[29] Thus, a slow and gradual change in morals lead to an inherent opposition among a large of population against homosexuality. This subsequently impacted the law as well. These acts of consensual homosexuality, which was once recognized as acceptable in the society thus became totally unacceptable. The major argument against the validity of Section 377 of the IPC in the Naz Foundation cases was that it violated right to life under Article 21, since the acts were consensual acts. Thus it was argued that since this rule violated a constitutional law which are part of the very basic laws of the land, the section should be declared void. However, on the other hand inspite of the fact that Section 377 of IPC is not contained in the chapter of offences against morality and is instead contained in the chapter on offences against body it was argued that these acts violated morality. Finally Section 377 was declared to be valid by the Supreme Court. Thus it is quite clear morality influenced the law against homosexuality. [1] Steven Shavell, Law versus Morality as Regulators of Conduct, 4 American Law Economic Review at 229. [2] Ibid. [3] Morality, Business Dictionary, , Accessed On 18th March, 2015. [4] Jurisprudence Law and Morality, Marquette Law Review, 1953, Vol 36, 319. [5] Steven Shavell, Law versus Morality as Regulators of Conduct, 4 American Law Economic Review at 230. [6] Ibid. [7] Supra note 5 at 232. [8] H.L.A. Hart, Positivism and the Separation of Law and Morals, 71 Harvard.Law.Review, 616 (1958) [9] Lon L. Fuller, Positivism and Fidelity to Law -A Reply to Professor Hart, 71 Harvarad Law Review, 658 (1958) [10] Supra note 8 at 618-619. [11] Supra note 8 at 619. [12] Ibid [13] Ibid [14] Supra note 8 at 594. [15] Id at 596. [16] Ibid.; See also BENTHAM. , A COMMENT ON THE COMMENTAR1ES 49 (1928) [17] Id. At 599. [18] Supra note 8 at 601-602. [19] Id. At 607. [20] Supra note 8 at 608. [21] Ibid. [22] Supra note 9 at 635. [23] Supra note 9 at 656. [24] Supra note 9 at 657. [25] Ibid. [26] Victoria Clarke, What about the children? arguments against lesbian and gay parenting,Womens Studies International Forums, 555-570 (2001) [27] Tennessee Nashville, The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church 161G (The United Methodist Publishing House 2010). [28] S Asthana and R. Oostvogels , The social construction of male homosexuality in India, February 15th 2014, [29] Ruth Vanita, Same-sex wedings, Hindu traditions and modern India, Feminist Review, No. 91, pp. 47-60, (2009) Customer Care: Hilton Green Park Hotel Customer Care: Hilton Green Park Hotel The hotel that I have chosen is Hilton London Green Park Hotel. This hotel is situated approximately 45 minutes from Heathrow airport via tube and is located within the easy reach of all the local tourist attractions and major business centres a perfect combination of business as well as for tourist visit in London.(55) It majorly lies between two streets that is the oxford street and the Edgware road which connects to majority of the streets leading to central London and other parts. This makes it convenient for the people who want to go for meetings and or visit a potential business site. The interiors of the hotel are very classy and make it easy for a business traveller to get the max of what he wants, the entire hotel is non-smoking one and has a business centre to hold meetings right at the comfort of the hotel. Majority of the guests that frequent this hotel are tourist as this hotel lies exactly at the heart of London and majority of the tourist attractions like the Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Trafalgar square, oxford circus, etc are within the easy reach. The hotel has a full fledged concierge service which assists the guests in finding the best possible routes for guests and also gives them suggestions on which place they should visit and how can they go about. But many of the tourists dont like the fact that the entire hotel is a non-smoking hotel and also it has only 1 restaurant and 1 bar and has no other variety which the guest can see or experience, but just because of its brand and the location it still goes ahead and attracts a lot of people. (295) Customer care involves putting systems in place to maximise your customers satisfaction with your business. It should be a prime consideration for every business your sales and profitability depends on keeping your customers happy. (Business Link). What is customer care. Customer Care Policies are an integral part of any functioning business, there has to be some set rules and procedure which will act like a guide in fulfilling the goals and objectives of the hotel and more importantly lead to a customer satisfaction which is the top priority of any organisation. Depending on the type of organisation the types of services that may be offered might differ which includes but is not limited to telephone, help desks, after sales, service recovery, or may be a simple face to face conversation but all that matters is that the guests problems are given a ear and that they feel important and worth the stay. Today the market is very competent and the guests have a variety of choice to make so it is very important that companies have to go ahead and capture a major stake in the market and that is possible only if you retain the guest. Retention is only possible when the guest is satisfied and to be more elaborate the company today has to go beyond expectations or rather exceed expectations and that is possible only with strong customer care policies and it needs to be strictly adhered to and practiced devotionally. Abraham Lincoln once said I never had a policy; I just tried to do my very best each and every day so sometimes its not only about the policy but its on how you go beyond the policy to help the guests and thats what makes a lasting impression on the guests minds and he will certainly be a repeat guest for you.(400) Three customer care policies in Hilton London Green Park Hotel Quick and fast: As mentioned earlier this hotel usually caters to the needs of the business travellers and clients and hence they lay more emphasis on the needs of these guests by providing them quick check-ins and taking pre-authorisations (if required). Some of the basic things that they pay attention to are:- Giving them quite rooms away from the city roads, elevators and areas from where noise can be expected as these guests usually just come in for a night take rest and then leave for another destination. Providing them with the facilities of early breakfast in their rooms and giving them express check out facilities. Business travellers and guests are given more attention in terms of any grievances that they may have and hence service recovery procedures are in place which includes giving them free wine bottle, upgrades, or may even include a free night depending on the situation. Feel like home: It is said a hotel is a home away from home and hence this hotel emphasises on all the guest coming to this hotel for leisure and recreation purposes and hence the guest is preferably given a room which faces towards the city or has a park view but in either case the guest is asked for the preference of his/her room. The beds are designed in such a way that a family of three (including a kid) can easily manage to sleep on the bed. Local sightseeing and local runs are arranged by the concierge as per request. The facility to provide an extra bed/cot at a nominal rate is also available. What makes it more competitive and interesting is that all the children aged 18yrs and below get to stay free if they are accompanied by their parents or grandparents and children aged 10 years and below get their meals and drinks free plus there is a garden where the kids can spend their time. Feel like a king: This is one policy that Hilton hotel always emphasises on, knowing what the guest wants or expects and that too at the right time makes you a winner in the market segment. The hotel maintains a proper guest profile which includes some personal information about their choices and also about their birthdates etc. So if the guest is staying with them on their birthdays or their anniversary then they send them greeting cards, some gift hampers or a simple wine bottle to say we are happy for you. The gifts might not be that expensive in terms of the investment done by the guests but yes this is enough to wow a guest and will make him feel a part of the family. Also the long stayers and frequent visitors are contacted on regular basis and they are informed of any special promotions or offers that the hotel might be running at the moment. Effectiveness of customer care policies in the hotel Whenever a policy is in place it is of utmost importance that it needs to be evaluated for its effectiveness and whether that particular policy is really working for the organisation or not. Now this could be done in variety of ways which included taking customer feedback, polls, opinion surveys, etc these things makes the organisation realise where exactly they stand and what best could be done to prevent that. Most of the hotels usually focus on retaining the guests but Sarah Cook in her book Customer Care Excellence mentions that it is equally important to record the customer retention rate and also to analyse it on frequent basis. Hilton establishes a system called Hilton honours in which it can find out responses from its guests and what they are expecting in terms of hospitality organisation and also another program called Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking (SALT) where they keep a constant track on how many guests returned back home satisfied and how many of them will be coming back to the hotel. This helps in identifying where they currently stand and how it is going to affect their business in the long run. Steel Industry in China | Analysis Steel Industry in China | Analysis Introduction Steel industry concerns to be a important basic industry influences a country’s national economic and the overall national strength. The development of steel industry has directly related to defense industry, construction industry, machinery industry, shipbuilding industry, car industry, household electrical appliance industry, and other industries. In recent years, Chinas steel industry structure has been optimized, the process on elimination of backward production capacity smoothly; industrial concentration has continuously improved; and the industrial layout has been optimized. At present, Chinas steel industry dominated the formation of large enterprises, and SMEs coexist production organization pattern. The steel industry layout gradually close the strategic layout of the changes in the market to international and domestic resources. Chinas steel industry has rapid development of foreign trade; the exports of steel product structure was further optimized; export countries and regions are continue to expand. It achieved changing from a net importer to a net exporter. Even though the steel industry looks been recovered, and the government put a lot of efforts inside, it still have many problems to solve. I will do some background research of steel industry in china and find out the problem china steel industry will face especially the problem they faced during the recovery after 2008 economic crisis. In additional I will also try to find out the reason which lead to those problems and how China steel companies faced this situation and what is their solutions. In this project, firstly I will analyze, evaluate, and summarize scholarly materials link to China industry. However, this proposal will just analysis three parts: pollution problem, the contradiction between industry demand and supply, and the forecast of the industry’s develop. Then it will demonstrate the main objective of this whole project. After that I will examine the methodology and methods I will use in future project, such as what kind of data I will use and how the data will be analysis. Later, I will draw some limitations and problems may faced during the research. Finally the discussion and conclusion will show the result I have got currently. Literature review With the shift of international industry and the rapid development of China economic, as Sheng and Song (2012) said, â€Å"rapid expansion of China’s steel industry has been remarkable in terms of both the speed and scale of its development.† Liang, Zhang, Fujita, Ohnishi, Li, Fujii, and Dong (2013) mentioned that the total production of crude steel in China had grown from 95.36 million tons to 567.84 million tons from 1995 to 2009, and become the world’s largest producer. In 2012, China has produced 716.54 millions of crude steel, grew by 3.1 percent on last years same period; production of steel (including repeated material) 951.86 million tons, grew by 7.7 percent on last years same period. From January to November of 2013, china had produced 712.86 million of crude steel, grew by 7.8 percent on last years same period. production of steel 978.78 million tons, grew by 11.5 percent on last years same period. However, these kind of development has a price to pay. As Pauliuk, Milford, MuÃÅ'ˆller, and Allwood(2013) said, 25 per cent of ca. industrial and 9 per cent of anthropogenic energy and process related greenhouse gas emission are accounted for steel production. In order to mitigate the climate change, the future production growth of steel may decline. Ma, Evans, Fuller and Stewart (2002) pointed out that steel industry is energy intensive. The expansion of China has resulted a large increase in energy input, especially from the coal. This leads to several environmental problems. Liang, Zhang, Fujita, Ohnishi, Li, Fujii, and Dong(2013) also pointed out that the booming energy consumption and environmental pollution emissions are serious problems for steel industry. The co2 emission (1.17 billion tons) of china steel industry weighted 16.29 per cent of Chinese total co2 emission in 2009. Its nearly equal to Japanese co2 emission(1.2 billion tons); and it also share half of the worl d steel industry’s co2 emission. The danger of those environment has been recognized by Chinese government, in order to solve these problems, they have came out many policies, with particular emphasis on the energy- intensive heavy industries. After that, the energy consumption per unit of output of steel industry has declined. Mohanty’s(1997) research has showed that the government’s energy conservation program is the most important reason of this decline. Marketline(2013) examined that the steel market consists of the production of crude steel in the stated country or region. Influenced by 2008 world economic crisis, China steel industry has also suffered a depression. After that, it recovered from a contraction in value in 2009, the Chinese steel market posted a double digit growth in the 2010-11 period. The compound annual growth rate(CARC) of the market was 9.3% in the period 2008–12. However, the market declined again in 2012 because of the price falling. It shrank by 2.9% in 2012 and reached a value of $530,838.2 million. This total revenues representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.3% between 2008 and 2012. During this period, the Japanese market declined with a compound annual rate of change of -2.6%, and the Indian market increased with CAGR of 7.5% Even though the production have recovered to a double digit growth during this period, the market supply is not recovery as fast as the production. This caused significant increase of the steel storage, the contradiction between industry demand and supply get worse. This situation leads to falling of the steel price. However, the current situation of steel industry is not very optimistic. The forecast of 2012-2017 is still hopefully. The markets volume is expected to rise to 988.0 million units by the end of 2017, representing a CAGR of 6.6% for the 2012-2017 period. The performance of the market is forecast to decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 8.7% for the five-year period 2012 2017, which is expected to drive the market to a value of $806.8bn by the end of 2017. Comparatively, the Japanese and Indian markets will grow with CAGRs of 2.6% and 7.5% respectively, over the same period, to reach respective values of $90.1bn and $82.4bn in 2017. ( Marketline, 2013) Research Questions and Objectives The research aims to address the following research questions: What is the circumstance of the development of china steel industry from 1990s’? What is the problems china steel industry faced? How can china steel industry fully recovery from the economic crisis? What is a good way for Chinese company related to steel to survive under current situation. This research aim to compare the situation before and after 2008 global economic crisis. In additional, it aim to find out the problems steel industry faced after the crisis and the reason cause these problems, and then the solution for these problems Methodology 3.1  Data collection Two types of research are used in this article. These are primary research and secondary research respectively. The primary resource is from questionnaire and interview. In this research, I will try to collected the primary data through the use of a self-administered questionnaire . The questionnaires will be distributed to the sampled respondents through a combination of the Internet and face to face interview as appropriate. Distribution through the Internet is expected to be more secured and cost effective. The secondary resource is search for information from other people’s opinion, such as library website, reading academic books and journal articles. The above section which is the literature review is the secondary resource. There are three types of data, which are quantitative data, qualitative data and mixed data. These are the tools of measure in aspect of questionnaire, the quantitative will be used in the closed questions of questionnaire, and it could better to collect the information whether people prefer to choose some aspects, and it also could illustrate the trend of this problem. The qualitative could match the opened questions of questionnaire, it because could determine the nature of people, it could better to research the suggestions or reasons, detailed data is collected through open questions that provide direct choice. This is different the quantitative, quantitative is to through the limited and objective method to compare and predictions, and find the trend of problems. Furthermore, the mixed data is both quantitative and qualitative. Data analysis Firstly, regarding of the primary research, results of questionnaire was collected, and graphs were used, such as pie charts, bar charts and tables. Statistical data which is from questionnaire shows consequence of what is found. Secondly, regarding of the secondary research, notes of relevant sections was taken and summarized, critical, analysis. Finally, comparing primary and secondary resource, they are similar or not. Analyzing reasons why the consequence is similar or not. Limitations and problems of the research Firstly, during this research, the primary data collection may face a big problem. This is because the topic of this project is about steel industry analysis. I think it is hard to design a questionnaire which most of people will have their answer easily. This topic is not a topic that most of people will pay attention and familiar with. Therefore, when I collect the primary data, may face some people are not familiar with, this will cause the decrease of data’s reality. Secondly, the territory limitation also concern to a problem. This research is focus on steel industry in china, whereby the project will finish in UK. When I collect primary data, may face the problem of local people may not familiar with China’s economic situation. At the same time, big amount of secondary data are in Chinese which I cannot use in this project. However, I can benefit from reading Chinese data, it help me to understand more and consider more about this topic. Finally, the language barrier concerns to a big problem I faced during doing this project. English is not my mother tongue make me face more difficulties during reading secondary data. Sometimes I will misunderstanding the sentences, also it include many academic vocabulary which I cannot understand as well. Conclusion In conclude, as the research I currently get, one of problem the china steel industry faced is the environment pollution. Accompany with government control, pollution do has reduced. However, government control is a passive way for steel industry to change. At the same time, steel industry should recognize this problem by itself, and try to improve the way of production in order to reduce the pollution. Second problem has been analyzed in the proposal is the contradiction between industry demand and supply. This is a big problem china steel industry faced. The supply significantly exceeds demand. It leads to the price of steel continuous falling down and may become a vicious. However, according to government’s macro-control and the change of global market, we should hold a positive attitude towards to the future. References: 1. 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